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As the United States approaches its 250th anniversary, Wyoming PBS is embarking on a special journey to capture the heart and soul of our state through the stories of its people. We believe that the true spirit of Wyoming—and indeed, of America—lives in the experiences, memories, and values of its residents.

This project invites Wyomingites to share personal stories that showcase what it means to call this state home. Imagine you're speaking to a friend or family member who isn't from Wyoming and doesn't know anything about the state. What are the stories you tell to help them understand what life is like here? Perhaps it's a tale of resilience in the face of harsh weather, a heartwarming community event that showcases small-town spirit, or a personal anecdote that captures the essence of Wyoming's wide-open spaces and independent character. Maybe it's a family legend that's been passed down through generations, a story of how your ancestors came to settle here, or a recent experience that you think is emblematic of the unique qualities of life in Wyoming. We're interested in hearing about the moments that define what it means to be a Wyomingite to you. Each story, big or small,  is an important piece of our collective history.

Stories will be captured through individual 15-20 minute video interviews and preserved in a digital archive, with select stories potentially featured in a future documentary project.  

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Test Shoot

Wyoming PBS is kicking off the  storytelling campaign with a limited test shoot on November 15 and 16, 2024 on the Central Wyoming College campus in Riverton. This test will help us refine our approach and ensure we're creating the best possible platform for storytelling before we launch the storytelling campaign statewide.

If you're interested in being part of this early stage project, please read through the prompts below. Feel free to choose one or two that are most meaningful to you and we'll focus on those during your storytelling session. Don't feel constrained by these prompts, though—if you have another idea that aligns with the theme, we're happy to hear it. The project's prompts are designed to spark memories and inspire the sharing of stories that are uniquely Wyoming. There are no right or wrong answers—we're interested in authentic experiences and perspectives. These stories will help create a rich tapestry of Wyoming life, preserving our heritage and illuminating our shared values for future generations. (Please note that while you're encouraged to share the stories that matter most to you, if your story departs too much from the overall theme we may not be able to use your interview in the final project.)

On Friday, November 15, interviews will be conducted at the Wyoming PBS studio. On Saturday, November 16, we'll be at the Intertribal Education and Community Center (ITECC) to continue collecting stories.

We have a limited number of interview slots available on November 15 and 16. Please note that we can only accommodate registered participants, so be sure to schedule your session in advance. Don't worry if you miss this opportunity—we'll have many more chances for participation as the project grows.

You can schedule your storytelling session here or on the calendar below.

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Storytelling Prompts

1. Tell us about a place in Wyoming that holds special meaning for you or your community. What makes it significant?

2. Share a family story or local legend that's been passed down through generations in Wyoming. What does it reveal about life here?

3. Describe a moment when you felt a strong sense of community in Wyoming. What happened, and why was it meaningful?

4. How has your family's experience in Wyoming changed over the years? What has remained constant?

5. Tell us about a time when you or someone you know in Wyoming stood up for what they believed was right. What motivated their actions?

6. What does being a Wyomingite mean to you? How has this meaning evolved over time?

7. Share a story about how your Wyoming community came together to overcome a challenge or make a positive change.

8. Describe a local tradition or celebration that's unique to your part of Wyoming. What does it represent to you and your community?

9. Tell us about someone from your community who embodies the spirit of Wyoming. What makes them stand out?

10. Share a memory of a time when the natural landscape of Wyoming played a significant role in your life or your community's history.

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About Your Video Interview

Our goal is to capture your authentic Wyoming story in your own words. Here's what you can expect during your 15-20 minute video session:

  1. Relaxed Conversation: This isn't a formal interview or interrogation. Think of it more as a friendly conversation where you're sharing your chosen story.
  2. You're the Storyteller: The interviewer's primary role is to listen actively and provide a comfortable space for you to share. They may occasionally ask for clarification or encourage you to expand on certain points, but you're in control of your narrative.
  3. Focus on Your Chosen Prompt: We'll center the conversation around the prompt you've selected as most meaningful to you. Feel free to prepare your thoughts in advance if you'd like, but don't worry about memorizing a script – we want your natural, genuine responses.
  4. Take Your Time: There's no rush. Feel free to pause, reflect, or even start over if you need to. We can always edit the video later.
  5. Be Yourself: We're interested in your personal experiences and perspectives. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers – your authentic story is what matters most.
  6. Casual Setting: While we'll ensure good video and audio quality, the setting will be relaxed. Wear what makes you comfortable and speaks to your Wyoming identity.
  7. Optional B-roll: If relevant to your story, we might ask to film some supplementary shots of you in your community or with significant objects at a later date. This is entirely optional and can be discussed after your storytelling session.

Remember, your story is valuable and we're honored that you're sharing it with us. Our team is here to support you throughout the process and ensure you have a positive experience contributing to this important project.

Don't see a time that works for you? Join the waiting list below.

* indicates required
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Q: When should I arrive for my session and how long will an interview take?

Each interview will last approximately 15-25 minutes. Please plan on arriving 5-10 minutes early to provide ample time to prepare for the interview.

Q: Do I need to prepare anything?

While we want to hear your authentic stories and experiences, please consider the storytelling prompts above in preparation for the interview. There is no need to write anything down beforehand, but if you have an item you’d like to share along with your story (like a photograph or a small keepsake), feel free to bring it. 

Q: Will I be on TV?

While the interviews may be used in Wyoming PBS digital productions and marketing efforts, we can't guarantee interviews will be broadcast.

Q: Can I choose what to talk about?

You're encouraged to share the stories that matter most to you, within the framework of the overall theme and the prompts above. If you depart from that focus, we may not be able to use your interview in the final project.

Q: What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing that represents you. Avoid busy patterns or brand logos.

Q: Will I be compensated for my time?

Unfortunately, we cannot offer monetary compensation for your participation.

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