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The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which is the agency that provides federal funding for public television and radio stations, has determined that every public media entity should be as transparent as possible in its governance and finances. Therefore, Wyoming PBS is providing the following information, to comply with CPB policy, for transparency in our finances and governance, and in the public interest.

Required information:

  1. A list of the governing Board of Directors for Wyoming PBS, which is the Central Wyoming College Board of Trustees, can be found here.
  2. CWC Board Agendas and Minutes
    The President of Central Wyoming College is Dr. Brad Tyndall.
  3. Date, Time and Place of meetings of the Wyoming PBS Governing Board: Information regarding the upcoming meeting can be found by following the link below and scrolling to the current year Meeting Agendas. The upcoming meeting information can be found in the most recently posted board agenda. 
    Central Wyoming College Board of Trustees meeting announcements
  4. Wyoming PBS is regularly on the agenda of the Wyoming Community College Commission meetings. View schedule.
  5. FY 24 Audited Financial Report
  6. FY 24 Local Content and Service Report to the Community
  7. Wyoming PBS is not required to file a Form 990, therefore, according to CPB policy, the station is required to post compensation information as outlined in the Form 990.
  8. Wyoming PBS certifies that it is meeting state and federal law regarding donor privacy and data security. See our Privacy Policy.
  9. Wyoming PBS diversity and non-discrimination policies: See our Diversity and Non-discrimination Policies.
  10. View the Wyoming PBS Employment Statistical Report FY 2022. 

Open Meetings Policy:

Wyoming PBS, through its governing Board, the Central Wyoming College Board of Trustees, complies with its "Open Meetings Policy", as stated in its Policy Governance Manual, found here, and more specifically on page 40, this policy states:

IV. Policy Type: Governing Process
G. Policy Title: Board Meetings
All meetings of the board shall be held at the college, unless otherwise specified by board action. All board meetings shall be open to the public. The public is excluded from executive sessions; no business may be conducted during an executive session; and no action may be taken except as authorized by law. The board will adhere to the intent and purpose of the open meetings law."

This policy of this Board is aligned with the State of Wyoming "Open Meetings Law" , which can be found in the Wyoming Statutes, the pertinent portion which states as follows:

16-4-401. Statement of purpose.
The agencies of Wyoming exist to conduct public business. Certain deliberations and actions shall be taken openly as provided in this act.
16-4-402. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Action" means the transaction of official business of an agency including a collective decision, a collective commitment or promise to make a positive or negative decision, or an actual vote upon a motion, proposal, resolution, regulation, rule, order or ordinance at a meeting;
(ii) "Agency" means any authority, bureau, board, commission, committee, or subagency of the state, a county, a municipality or other political subdivision which is created by or pursuant to the Wyoming constitution, statute or ordinance, other than the state legislature and the judiciary;
(iii) "Meeting" means an assembly of at least a quorum of the governing body of an agency which has been called by proper authority of the agency for the expressed purpose of discussion, deliberation, presentation of information or taking action regarding public business;
(iv) "Assembly" means communicating in person, by means of telephone or electronic communication, or in any other manner such that all participating members are able to communicate with each other contemporaneously;
(v) "This act" means W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-408.

16-4-403. Meetings to be open; participation by public; minutes.
(a) All meetings of the governing body of an agency are public meetings, open to the public at all times, except as otherwise provided. No action of a governing body of an agency shall be taken except during a public meeting following notice of the meeting in accordance with this act. Action taken at a meeting not in conformity with this act is null and void and not merely voidable.
(b) A member of the public is not required as a condition of attendance at any meeting to register his name, to supply information, to complete a questionnaire, or fulfill any other condition precedent to his attendance. A person seeking recognition at the meeting may be required to give his name and affiliation."